Macadamia oil is pressed from the nuts of the macadamia tree, a familiar tree on the African continent. The nutty oil is edible and can be used for cooking and baking for instance as a salad dressing or cake. Macadamia oil is also popular in cosmetics for skincare and haircare.
Our macadamia nuts are originates from Kenya and South Africa. It usually takes 7 to 10 years before the tree produces decent volumes. After a couple of decades the tree is well grown up to twenty meters. A tree can be harvest once a year, starting from March continuing to July.
Due to its high fats high fat content the cracked nuts are easy to crush, after the filter process the virgin oil we be packed or provided to the refinery.
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Sigma Oil Seeds B.V.
Bahialaan 100
3065 WC, Rotterdam
The Netherlands
P: +31 (0) 10 261 3065