Flaxseed oil comes from flax seeds, a plant cultivated for thousands of years in Canada, Russia, and India. Farmers typically use cold pressing to extract the oil, preserving its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, especially alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This essential nutrient supports heart health and helps reduce inflammation.
Many people take flaxseed oil as a dietary supplement due to its cardiovascular benefits. It is a popular addition to smoothies, salads, or taken directly. In skincare, this oil provides hydration and anti-inflammatory effects, making it ideal for sensitive or dry skin. It is often found in serums and moisturizers.
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Sigma Oil Seeds B.V.
Bahialaan 100
3065 WC, Rotterdam
The Netherlands
P: +31 (0) 10 261 3065
E: info@sigmaoilseeds.eu