Black cumin oil comes from the ripe seeds of the black cumin plant, native to Egypt and Syria. Local farmers cultivate and harvest the plant annually. It is an excellent rotational crop between harvests.
The seeds are mechanically pressed into a light to dark brown oil with a distinctive aroma and taste. This oil is rich in antioxidants and has a slightly spicy flavor. It is commonly used in cooking and can be consumed in liquid or capsule form. Due to its strong taste, many people mix it with lemon juice or honey before consumption. It also serves as a great alternative to olive oil.
Beyond culinary use, black cumin oil is a valuable ingredient in skincare products. It helps fight acne and reduces signs of aging. Sigma Oil Seeds supplies high-quality organic black cumin oil.
Sigma Oil Seeds operates a dedicated production line for both organic and conventional black cumin oil. We source seeds from trusted farming families, ensuring strict quality checks before import to Rotterdam. After pressing, the oil is filtered and packaged according to customer needs. Packaging options range from jerrycans to IBC containers.
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Sigma Oil Seeds B.V.
Bahialaan 100
3065 WC, Rotterdam
The Netherlands
P: +31 (0) 10 261 3065